As a Vernonite, I love creating beautiful Vernon Wedding Photography for my local clients. I have so many clients who don’t call the Okangan their home (and I LOVE them too!) but when I work with a Vernon couple and their adorable baby, I am always excited because I can see them again! Don, Vicki…
Lovely as always, Renee! I’m so looking forward to working with you and this family soon! 🙂
Looking forward to working with you too Kate! You are going to love working with Don, Vicki & little Ellie! She’s just the cutest!!!
What a beautiful location and looks like such a fun family!
Thanks Candace. Loved working with them!
These are lovely! What s precious little girl. I can’t imagine the stress of wedding planning with a baby yet mom looks so relaxed!
I know, I think Vicki is Super Mom!
Such sweet images!
Such a sweet family and I love that location!
Thanks Dawn. They were such a wonderful family to work with!
beautiful family!!
Thanks Isabel! I can’t wait for their Wedding!
These are so pretty! You have the best locations!
Thanks so much Morgan. Yes, I feel very fortunate to live in such a gorgeous part of the world!